Region 10

Region 10 of the United States Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation is a duly recognized geographical entity of members served by the organization in WA, AK, WA, OR.  Connect with Region 10 leaders and members on Facebook and more.

Last Person Standing After 42 Rounds of Competition

Last Person Standing After 42 Rounds of Competition

Forty Two (42) rounds of competition (the most ever in over 10 years) and the last person standing is Anacortes Soo Bahk Do® student Charity Jordan who goes on to the Nationals!

Charity Jordan is a student of Curt McCauley Sa Bom Nim, currently training at Anacortes Soo Bahk Do, and is preparing to test for Ee Dan at the 137th Dan Classing. Charity is also a musician who plays the violin and percussion. An artist and a scholar!

Region 10 Students In The News
Camas Washington Newspaper Covers Region 10 Students' Festival Participation

Region 10 Students In The News
Camas Washington Newspaper Covers Region 10 Students' Festival Participation

Region 10 Students In The News. Camas Washington, Newspaper Covers Region 10 Students’ Festival Participation

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