Category: Fundraising


Foundation Now Accepting Restricted Donations

Foundation Now Accepting Restricted Donations

The Foundation Board has developed and approved a fundraising and grant awarding process which provides a means for Studio Owners to raise restricted use funds through the Foundation.

Upon your enrollment and the Foundation’s approval of your application, then you can begin conducting fundraising activities for specific causes and purposes that are important to you and which are compliant with Foundation’s chartered purposes and guidelines.

Kick-a-thon In A Pan Raises $266
Karate Cookie Chaos in The Pan Yielded Donations In The Hand

Kick-a-thon In A Pan Raises $266
Karate Cookie Chaos in The Pan Yielded Donations In The Hand

Kicking Cookies Raise $266!  Definitely a new concept.  A  Kick-a-thon in a pan! 🙂  Board Director Charles Smith, Sa Bom Nim representing Region 10 members of the United States Soo Bahk Do Mo Duk Kwan Federation®  is always innovating and coming up with creative new ways to accomplish their goals in Region 10.

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